Perfection. In our endless quest to find and master it, are we really just looking for something that is a figment of our imagination?
Wow - talk about a morbid way to start a blog post. But seriously, what's with our obsession with perfection? When people talk about their wedding, they want things to go 'perfectly'. When they want to buy a house, it has to be in the 'perfect' location. Even when you have to plan a funeral, it has to be the 'perfect' send-off. Heck, as long as the dead stay dead, I'd call that a good success rate.
Like many people, we often fantasize about our 'perfect' partner. What they should wear, how they should look, talk, walk - we fuss about every single detail until we've built up our picture-perfect partner, the one who will 'complete' us. In my opinion, the only time anyone is going to 'complete' me is when they're giving me their kidney.
I used to think about my perfect man for the longest time. Want me to divulge? He had to be tall, well educated, Indian, polite, love to travel, have a great body, be a good listener, spend nights curled up in front of the TV with me, send me flowers for no reason, know how to cook - the list goes on an on. I used to wonder why I was never meeting the right men, because as soon as a guy expressed an interest in me, off went the mental checklist in my head. One mismatch and he was already in the Recycle Bin. Over time, I saw some of my girlfriends go through this same process - girl meets guy, guy is quite a catch, but girl dumps guy because he doesn't meet all the criteria. Eventually, I got just fed up of waiting for Mr Magical to walk into my life, and I decided to re-evaluate 'The List'. Now I'm just looking for a guy who's honest, fun to be with, and who can put up with my insanity - I don't care for all this 'wind beneath my wings' and other Hallmark bullshit. Mind you, just because I've scrapped my original list doesn't mean I'm settling for 'second best' - it just means I'm settling for something real.
Think about it.
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