Last week I was sitting with a coworker of mine and having breakfast, and she was talking about her wedding next year. Completely out of the blue, she asked me "
When you get married, are you going to be the wife?" I first snorted out my tea and the proceeded to choke on the half-chewed morsel of muffin in my mouth. I honestly thought she was just pulling my leg, but when I looked up at her, she was actually staring at me, waiting for my answer! I gave her a very loud "
Seriously!?" and that shut her up. I mean talk about a cliche - asking a gay man if he's going to be the 'wife' in the relationship. Some people really need to update their knowledgebase on gay men - we all don't worship Kylie, listen to Madonna, and lip-sync to Cher. We don't need to buy Prada, Fendi, and think that Gucci was sent down by God.
Today I stayed back in church a bit longer after the evening service, and discovered that there was a novena for all the 'lost and hopeless cases'. Yup - apparently if you pray to
St Jude, he'll sort you out. The patron saint of losers - and here I thought it was Dame Edna.
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Well said ...
my sentiments exactly ...