Technology never ceases to amaze me. Today I had the pleasure of dealing with my first automated telephone operator when I called a shopping mall desk to try to get the phone number of one of their stores.
OP: Hello! Welcome to ________! (Arabic voice instructing to press 1 or 2 for language)
Me: (presses 2)
OP: What would you like to inquire? About?
Me: Shop inquiry
OP: Okay then. Shop Inquiry. Please say the name of the shop you would like to inquire about
Me: Emirates Computers
OP: I'm sorry. I did not understand that. Please say the name of the shop you would like to inquire about
OP: Okay. You said European Jewellery. Is this correct? Please say Yes or No
Me: NO
OP: Please say the name of the shop you would like to inquire about
OP: Okay. You said European Jewellery. Is this correct? Please say Yes or No
I'm just going to fucking drive over to the mall and visit the damn store myself.
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