So yesterday I made one of the hardest decisions of my life yet. I have decided that I'm going to officially migrate out of Dubai - where and when I'm going I don't quite know (how typical), but I've pretty much made up my mind. At the moment my options seem to be either Canada, Australia, or the UK. And why this sudden decision? Well as much as I love Dubai, in all reality I don't see myself enjoying my life here for very long. My family is driving me nuts, my dating life is down the toilet, and very honestly I'm not saving any money. Plus with the way rents are going, I hardly imagine living on my own until I'm either 40 or win the freaking Mashreq Millionaire. And though I am going to missing my friends terribly (all 8 of them), I still feel that my life holds so much more for me outside this city. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong and I could just come back after a few years, but I
need to fly for a while.
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As a fellow, born and raised, Dubtown brat, I sometimes feel a sense of disillusionment, despite the fact that Dubai is the only home I have ever known (well apart from a 7-year American stint).
And though this was home (and at one time, truly felt like it), fact is that today, all I am is a legal alien.
My family has invested 30+ years in Dubai, but when those visas get cancelled, it's back to the motherland we go.
I'm taking my money where it'll do me good. A change will do us all good!
Good luck with your decision!
..And your lifestyle preference doesnt matter. The place is the pits for everyone...