Every so often, I get an email from my blog readers. It's good to hear what people think of this blog, and how much they love me. This week, I got an email that I just had to post here instead of emailing the person back. Here's the original email in all its glory:
Hell there mr Indian Man!
I found ur blog on the net and must ask you a few questions. I am in Dubai for about two weeks and want to get to know the gay scene, but naturally you cannot google it coz everything is blocked etc. So, can u pass me a few pointers as to where the gay hotspots are, what to do, where to go, how to meet people...and HOW CAN I HOOK UP WITH SOMEONE...hahahah! ok, so it's been a while, I cant help it. and it turns out that i actually think arab men are attractive, so I must have sooome fun before I leave!
Ur help is much much appreciated!
Cheers mate.
Dear M,
I'm afraid that two weeks is too little a time for me to educate you on the frills of life here - try twenty or so years, and then come back to me. In case you haven't realized, I'm not your alternative to gaydar, so you'll have to do your own head hunting. You sound like a truly wonderful person, and you've got that texting lingo down to the letter. GOOD LUCK WITH HOOKING UP WITH SOMEONE I REALLY HOPE YOU FIND SOMEONE BECAUSE OTHERWISE THAT WOULD NOT BE GOOD IF YOU DID NOT FIND SOMEONE OKAY?
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PC in New Mexico, USA
alex dxb