Well, another one of my favorite bloggers has decided to step away from the blogsphere. I do admit, blogging has become quite a full time task for people, and in the city where we live, there is just so much to talk about and hardly any time. I'm hoping her decision isn't final, as I just whored out her blog in a recent interview (coming soon!) but wishing her all the best for the future.
Please join me in raising a toast to
Dubtown Lady - cheers dahlink, we will miss you!
You are reading this post on a blog is no longer maintained - please visit
www.outinmyhead.com instead!
When she disappeared around this time last year, I had to email her to find out if she was ok - only to find that she was swanning around Bahrain, leaving us poor readers with no updates on her blog!
We'll miss you xtcdoll, p(~_~)d, Dubtown Brat and The Lady!
Nick, you're such a thespian, but I love ya for it. Thanks for the obit...gone but not departed, my friend. Be safe in those new set o' wheels.
Oh, and what's this interview about?!!?? I'm soooo intrigued.
NZM, very impressed that you've picked up on every possible nickname I've ever used!! And here I was trying to keep a low profile by trying to confuse people. Lovin the pics as always. I should send you some of my work - would love to get your opinion!
Thanks guys...and watch this space...haven't seen the last of The Lady just as yet. :)
They're dropping like flies now, what are we to make of it?