I'm a sucker for weddings. No
really. I am a wedding freak. I stand in a book shop and I go all teary eyed when I look at pictures of wedding cake, gown designs, or tuxedos. I used to loathe weddings before - all the one night merriment and fun, and then the next day the bitching about the couple can begin. Not to mention the absolute pain it is to find just the right wedding present. But now I just love weddings. Hell, I'll even dress up in my best suit and drive around to hotels to see if there's a reception party where I can mingle. If I'm feeling depressed, I start listening to the Wedding March. How beyond therapy am I? I mean I know that I really really want to get married and all that, but its come to a point where I'm actually
waiting for someone to get married so I can join in the merriment.
Speaking of weddings, a big shout goes out to
Linda who is going to be walking down the aisle soon. Wishing you the very best for your future luv!
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Ok, getting to know you better now...
If you like doing this, then I hope that you've seen the movie Wedding Crashers. It's full of great ideas for you - just a shame we don't have jewish weddings in Dubai! lol